Our Classes and Workshops

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Blacksmith Classes

Beginning Blacksmithing

Our beginners class gives you a basic history of blacksmithing and introduces you to the tools of the trade. You’ll learn basic techniques such as drawing out, twisting, cutting, and shaping. Each beginning student will work on 1 or 2 pieces during the class usually a decorative hook or similar item that they finish and take home. All materials, supplies, and tools are included in the class fee.

Class length: 3 hours

Maximum number of students is 4.

Intermediate Blacksmithing
This class will focus on splitting and shaping techniques.  Students will forge a fire poker or a heart hook. All materials and tools are furnished. Must have either attend the beginner’s class or have prior blaksmithing knowledge.

Class length 3 hrs.

Maximum number of students is 4.

Advanced Blacksmithing

This class will focus on decorative functional items. Students will learn to make leaves, garden ornaments and candle holders. Must have either attend both the beginner’s class or have prior blacksmithing knowledge.

Class length 3 hrs.

Maximum number of students is 3.

Additional topical classes are also offered from time to include including knife making, railroad spike ax making, tong making, forging with charcoal and other topics.